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1. 新冠肺炎疫情不可抗力通知


Letter Head of the Contractor
To: [insert name of the Employer] 
[insert address of the Employer]

Subject: Notice of Force Majeure Event under Sub-clause 19.2 of Conditions of Contract

Dear Sir or Madam,
We write to inform you that the rapid escalation of COVID-19 has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a “Pandemic” event on 12 March 2020 after announcement of the outbreak of COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on 30th January 2020. WHO has urged countries to continue to implement a containment strategy which accelerating their efforts to control the disease.
On ……. [insert the date], the government of ……. [insert the name of country or state] has issued further measures, among which are,
[insert the list of local government directions on obviating the impact by COVID-19]
Those measures imposed by the local government have caused the site operations to become impossible, being:
(a)The local government instruction has made the transportation of the workers become impossible.
(b)The social distance requirement that the workers must keep distance and non-gatherings caused the site operations to be difficult.
(c)The local governmental instructions enforced the contractor to encamp and quarantine the worker for 14 days becoming impossible for him to fulfil.
In light of the above measures taken by the local government, the Contractor left no choice but render you a notice under Sub-clause 19.2 [Notice of Force Majeure] of the Conditions of Contract to suspend the site works commencing from the date of this notice, which the works to be suspended include:
[insert the name of the works to be suspended]
Accordingly, our performance of contractual obligations under the Contract to deliver the project as originally scheduled has substantially been prevented due to the natural catastrophe of COVID-19 and the attendant mitigation measures by the local government.
Apparently, the enumerated event(s) constitute Force Majeure in accordance with Sub-Clause 19.1 [Definition of Force Majeure] of the Conditions of Contract as defined thereof viz. “In this Clause, Force Majeure” means an exceptional event or circumstances: (a) which is beyond a Party’s Control; (b) which such Party could not reasonably have provided against before entering into the Contract, (c) which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have avoided or overcome, and (d) which is not substantially attributable to the other Party.”, which spread its ripple effect to the project onwards. Since the COVID-19 and the attendant measures taken by the local government is beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor, is unavoidable and directly affects the execution of the Works, it thus falls within the definition of force majeure set forth in Sub-clause 19.1 [Definition of Force Majeure] of the Conditions of Contract.
The Contractor, pursuant to Sub-Clause 19.2 [Notice of Force Majeure] of the Conditions of Contract, notifies you of the above event(s) and/circumstances which prevent us from executing our contractual obligations and complying with the requirement of Time for Completion in particular.
In compliance with Sub-Clause 19.4 [Consequence of Force Majeure] and subject to Sub- clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claim] of the conditions of Contract, the Contractor believes that he is contractually entitled to and fully qualified for an extension of time for any such delay and payment of any such cost pursuant to Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion] of the Conditions of Contract.
As it is an evolving event, the Contractor shall duly update by providing the contemporaneous records during the pendency of COVID-19, and providing the further particulars once the Force Majeure event ceases to affect the site operations. 
Despite the negative influence of the COVID-19 event, the Contractor will exert his best endeavor to cooperate with you to obviate any delay in the performance of the contract in accordance with Sub-clause 19.3 [Duty to Minimize Delay] of the Conditions of Contract.

Yours Faithfully

Signature of Authorized Delegate



2. 新冠肺炎疫情是否構(gòu)成不可抗力

在英美普通法系中,不可抗力不僅不是一個既定的法律專業(yè)術(shù)語(a term of art),而且其法律和判例對此仍不甚明晰。在大陸法系中,在合同沒有明示約定不可抗力條款時,可以默示地認(rèn)為其已經(jīng)包含在合同中,合同當(dāng)事人可以依據(jù)法律的明文規(guī)定進(jìn)行主張或抗辯,但在普通法中,如果合同中沒有約定此類具體的合同條款,則不能默示其已包含在合同中,當(dāng)事人需要在合同中明確約定此類具體的合同條款。因此,在合同中沒有此類約定時,當(dāng)事人可能無法主張與之相關(guān)的法律救濟(jì)措施,但當(dāng)事人可以從普通法中的合同落空(frustration of contract)、履約不能(impossibility of performance)或無法履約(impracticability of performance)尋求法律救濟(jì),顯而易見的是,合同落空、履約不能或無法履約的法律驗(yàn)證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要比不可抗力更加嚴(yán)格[1]。


對于FIDIC合同條件下約定的不可抗力的解釋,朗莫爾法官在著名的Great Elephant Corp v Trafigura Bcheer BV [2013] EWCA Civ 905 [2]案中寫道:



綜合普通法判例和國際商會(ICC)仲裁裁決,在FIDIC合同條件下,判斷某項(xiàng)事件是否構(gòu)成不可抗力的驗(yàn)證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(legal test)是:

(1)不可抗力事件是否適用第19.1款定義中界定的四項(xiàng)條件,即(a)一方無法控制的,(b)該方在簽訂合同前,不能對之進(jìn)行合理準(zhǔn)備的,(c) 發(fā)生后,該方不能合理避免或克服的,(d)不能主要?dú)w因于他方的;




關(guān)于阻礙、妨礙和延誤的含義,在Fairclough Dodd & Jones Ltd v J.H.Vantol Ltd [3]案中,法院判決“阻礙(prevented)”是指只有在在合同期限結(jié)束前不可能履行運(yùn)輸義務(wù)時,合同約定的救濟(jì)措施才得以成立。在Tennants (Lancashire Ltd v G.S. Wilson & Co Ltd [4]案中,法院判決“阻礙交貨(preventing delivery)是指……交貨成為不可能;而妨礙(hindering delivery)是指比阻礙要輕一些,即交貨變得有些困難,但并非不可能?!倍把诱`(delayed)”是指在合同約定履約可以延期的情況下,如果是一方當(dāng)事人不能控制的情況導(dǎo)致履約延誤,因此沒有必要將“延誤”等同于“阻礙(prevented)”,而僅僅是妨礙(hindered)履約的情況即可視為符合合同約定[5]。

承包商還需要注意的是,在最近的Classic Maritime Inc v. Limbungan Makmur SDN BHD & another [2019] [6]案中,被告以巴西封道大壩潰堤為不可抗力為由,導(dǎo)致其無法履行2015年11月至2016年6月期間的運(yùn)輸。法院查明潰堤事件確實(shí)使得被告無法履行最后5期的運(yùn)輸,同時還查明,即使沒有潰堤事件,被告也傾向于不會履行合同約定的運(yùn)輸義務(wù)。因此,法官運(yùn)用了若無驗(yàn)證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(but for test),認(rèn)為潰堤事件與不履行合同之間的關(guān)聯(lián)不存在因果關(guān)系,不可抗力事件的發(fā)生不能免除被告的合同義務(wù)[7]。

3.  新冠肺炎疫情構(gòu)成不可抗力時的救濟(jì)措施





承包商需要注意的是,無論新冠肺炎疫情最終是否會被工程所在國認(rèn)定為不可抗力事件,承包商可以期望的或可以獲得的救濟(jì)可能就是竣工期限的延長,并因此免除業(yè)主給予的工期延長期間的誤期損害賠償費(fèi)(Liquidated Damage for Delay)。雖然1999年版和2017年版FIDIC合同約定了承包商可以索賠額外費(fèi)用,但由于傳染病(epidemic)并未列入未經(jīng)修改的FIDIC合同中,因此,承包商很難索賠因新冠肺炎疫情導(dǎo)致的損失和費(fèi)用(loss and expense)。但在承包商發(fā)出不可抗力通知和索賠通知時,并不妨礙承包商依據(jù)1999年版FIDIC合同第19.4款主張額外費(fèi)用的權(quán)利。




[1] 崔軍.從某國際工程項(xiàng)目業(yè)主否認(rèn)中資承包商提出的新型冠狀病毒疫情不可抗力事件看國際工程項(xiàng)目不可抗力事件的抗辯和證明.2020.2

[2] [2013] 2 C.L.C. 185 at [25]

[3] [1956] 3 All E.R. 921

[4] [1917] A.C. 495

[5] Paras 14-144. Chitty on Contracts. 30th Edition. P986.

[6] EWCA Civ 1102

[7] 崔軍.FIDIC合同不可抗力索賠.2020.3


